About the training

What exactly is mindfulness? Mindfulness means attention training, also expressed as living ‘in the now’. In addition, mindfulness refers to accepting and being more mindful without judging. This mindfulness program is suitable for everyone.


For who?

This program is suitable for everyone, and especially for people who want to live more mindful and experience more balance in their day to day lives.


What will you be learning?

  • How to beat the auto pilot in your life 
  • Focussing on you
  • Meditation with easy exercises 
  • Focussing on breathing techniques 


In short

You will start with the session ‘What is Mindfulness?’, where you’ll be informed on what Mindfulness is and how it works. In the session ‘Practicing Mindfulness’, you will see how to practice mindfulness well and what is most important when doing this. The session ‘Weekly exercises’ contains one meditation exercise per week for eight weeks. This way you can really get to work on learning how to lead a more mindful life. If you want to get started immediately, you can go straight into those sessions, and look at the rest of the information step-by-step. Most importantly, do this the way that is most enjoyable for you!

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18! en nu?

Dit programma biedt ondersteuning de zelfredzaamheid van jongeren die net 18 jaar zijn of worden.

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Aanhoudende (pijn)klachten

Dit programma helpt om op een andere manier naar aanhoudende (pijn)klachten te kijken. 

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Icoon programma Accepteren


Dit is voor mensen die aan de slag willen om nare gevoelens en gebeurtenissen een plekje te geven.

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Icoon programma ACT your way

ACT your way

Deze training is bedoeld voor jongeren en jongvolwassenen tussen de 15 en 25 jaar die willen leren hun eigen weg te volgen.

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Icoon programma Activatie


Deze training is bedoeld voor mensen die baat hebben bij een regelmatige dagstructuur.

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Icoon programma ADHD Jongeren

AD(H)D – Jongeren

Deze training is bedoeld voor adolescenten met AD(H)D-klachten.

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Icoon programma Alcohol onder controle

Alcohol onder Controle

Deze training is voor volwassenen die kampen met overmatig alcoholgebruik.

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Therapiland Digitrust ISO 27001
Therapiland Digitrust NEN 7510

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